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Meet Our Team

Our Staff

Ours is a dynamic school community with over 100 members of staff in teaching and support roles.

The Principal has overall responsibility for all aspects of the school and the Executive Team sets its strategic direction and oversees the implementation and delivery of key strategic objectives.

To allow for focused discussion and enhanced efficacy of meetings, the Executive Team is divided into two groups – the Education Committee and the Business Committee. Each committee meets once a week, with the Executive Team meeting as a collective at the end of each half term. The Principal and the Head sit on both committees.

Amy Cavilla – Principal

Stephen Carrington – Head

Katie Gilmore - Director of Safeguarding and Health, Designated Safeguarding Lead


Education Committee

Peter Baker – Deputy Head Academic

Henry Meller – Deputy Head Teaching and Strategic Development

Adam Jones – Director of Sport & Co-curricular

Peter Nathan – Deputy Head Pastoral, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


Business Committee

Sandie Hall – Director of HR & Compliance

Denise Murdoch – Financial Controller

Jules Pulford – Director of Admissions & Marketing

Anita Tree – Director of Operations


Assistant Heads

In order to review, develop and enhance the school’s educational provision, we have appointed six Assistant Heads who report to the Executive Team on their specific areas of focus, as follows:

Lucy Bird - Assistant Head Careers

Chloë Burrows – Assistant Head Academic Enrichment

Shaelene Bruce – Assistant Head Wellbeing & Inclusion

Abby Child – Assistant Head Staff Development (Maternity Leave)

Alex Cooper – Assistant Head Community Action & Partnerships

Laura Curtis – Director of Studies

Dannie O'Connor - Assistant Head Staff Development


Staff List

The full list of our staff can be found here:

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