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Principal's Welcome

At Radnor House our core values are courage, excellence, perseverance and respect. These values underpin the guiding principles by which our community operates. I chose to join Radnor House as its next Principal because those values align with my own.

In a dynamic and complex world, such core values anchor us and guide decision-making and our actions; whether we are dealing with the day-to-day challenges of school life or the wider challenges we face – from the pandemic and its aftermath to climate change and its consequences or the growth of artificial intelligence and its impact.

As you know, our plans for the transition to our new site are ongoing and we look forward to the space and facilities it will afford us. Our school is primarily made up of its mission, curriculum and people. For the foreseeable it is business as usual at our Radnor House site and I will communicate regularly with updates on Kneller Hall.

I am really looking forward to meeting your children, listening to and learning with them; providing a warm and caring climate in which they can thrive and become the best possible version of themselves – all equal, all different, all belong.

Amy Cavilla

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