Covid-19 (Coronavirus) Update 20th March 2020
Today was the last day of learning in school for the majority of our pupils for a significant time period of time, as instructed by the government. We will remain open next week for children of Key Workers as previously communicated.
Public Examinations and Year 11 and 13 Classes
Public examinations will not go ahead in May and June, and the government will work with the education sector and Ofqual to ensure pupils get the qualifications that they need. Further details regarding this have just been published and we are in the process of considering the implications.
Teaching and Learning
We are extremely fortunate with the wealth of online teaching and learning tools we have available, our staff have been working hard over the last few weeks to ensure that resources are available for all of our pupils to access. All pupils have been taken through how to log on to Microsoft Teams and use it to access assignments.
A lot of work has gone into making sure we are in an excellent position to continue the educational provision for all of our pupils. Lines of communication remain the same as if the pupils were on site, with subject staff the first port of call for academic matters and form tutors for pastoral issues. If you would like further guidance about the remote learning policy, please contact our Director of Teaching and Learning (
Pastoral Care
Pastoral care is always at the heart of Radnor House, each form tutor will check in with their form group on a daily basis through the form group Team message board. Pupils should touch base with their form tutor regularly, even if just to say ‘hello’ and that they are not having any difficulty with the work set.
Ms King and the Heads of Year will also be an avenue of support and will be in regular contact. If you have any general pastoral concerns, please email and you will be directed to the most appropriate member of staff.
Our very special Radnor House community spirit is going to be vital at this time and we encourage all our parents and pupils to remain in regular communication and ask questions, as and when required. Thank you again for your patience, support and inspiration as we all navigate our way through this together. Our sincere and very best wishes to all of our families in meeting the challenges ahead.
We hope to return to normal conditions at the earliest available opportunity and we will continue to update you all as we receive further guidance from Public Health England.
We will continue to keep in touch and will post updates with information from our teaching and pastoral teams on our social media accounts, please follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.