Eco Schools Green Flag Status Award

The feedback from Eco-Schools was a lovely read, commenting on how impressed they were that our Eco-Club is represented by pupils across a broad age spectrum (Year 5 to Year 11) with everyone taking it in turns to take the minutes and set the agenda, which ensures that the children feel a strong sense of responsibility for, and ownership of, their work, helping to nurture an array of real-world skills.
Eco-Schools went on to say that the Eco-Badge worn by committee members is a brilliant way to raise the profile of the Eco-Club and to invite wider participation and interest, but what really stood out in the application was how the pupils consistently sought input from a diverse range of school and community stakeholders, such as our Director of Operations and our catering supplier. The Environmental Review carried out by the pupils contained incisive comments that demonstrated an ongoing commitment to a wider understanding and awareness of where the greatest gains have been made, as well as informing discussion and debate on the future direction of our Eco-Schools work.
They praised the Eco-Club for doing a great job in writing a detailed Action Plan, with time-bound targets that have been informed by the Environmental Review findings, pointing out that the systematic sharing and presentation of these targets will help to encourage optimal buy-in from across the school and wider community through diverse and creative activities. A particular highlight was the octopus sculpture to raise awareness of single-use plastic, which showcased beautifully how art can be harnessed to drive home a powerful environmental message.
They commented that the Eco-Board, newsletter, assemblies, bulletins, social media presence and TfL STARS accreditation are all testament to how the pupils engage and involve families and the wider community in the work of the Eco-Club. This commitment to inclusivity reflects an open spirit that has culminated in so much positive action and sets a high benchmark for the collaborative approach we will all need to adopt to combat climate change. Finally, in offering their huge congratulations for what has been achieved, they commented that such self-aware and compassionate eco-citizens among the pupil body must be an immense source of pride for everyone at Radnor House – which indeed it is!